Dear Friend,
In studying the Keys of Enoch®, we have to go beyond the physical and see the spiritual that sets all physical creation in motion. The spiritual thought-forms of the Godhead extend through multiple layers of manifestation before they reach the physical creation we experience. On each level, the appropriate conditions and consciousness standard dictates the physical form.
The higher levels of being include forms of pure energy and Light, and yet they all have their responsibilities and regions of jurisdiction and command that serve the innate Unity or Oneness of countless expressions of diversity. This is the great mystery that our human minds cannot completely fathom. Yet we have been given this incredible text to draw out our minds and to grow our consciousness to begin to realize that we are part of the great Unity, experiencing a tiny part of its diversity, but destined, through the constant recapitulation of all things, and the evolving nature of life, to enjoy the higher worlds.
Here we are reminded that we must understand ourselves as spiritual beings having a human experience. We can reconnect with our spiritual nature through our own Pyramids of Light and the astrophysical pyramids.
The role of the astrophysical pyramids is to connect us with the energies of stars that are more advanced than we are, so that they can beam energized ideas to our planet to enable us to evolve more readily. Most people are so busy trying to solve the mystery of the three-in-one Godhead academically; they are unaware of that Oneness working with us, and within us, in all fields of creation.
We are inclined to see ourselves as this one garment of many that we wear, not only on this planet, but on the planets of other stars, not only in this universe, but in greater universes where part of our destiny lies. We are not destined for one simplistic heaven, where life goes on interminably in exactly the same mode of endless repetition. It is Life in the many mansion worlds that Christ told us of, and the Keys give us some inkling of what this means.
Key 307:8 tells us: “Man has first, however, to labor with the evolution of his physical body to receive the greater body of Shekinah. Then he can see the Lords of Light and have consociate interactions with the Lords of Light face to face.”
Our bodies are temples of the Living God, and we must use the spiritual energies that are part of our bodies. Science tells us that every cell in our bodies had consciousness and memory. Therefore, as we are working with our chakra energies with the Sacred Names, in meditation and prayer, we are spiritualizing the consciousness of each cell. We allow the wavelength of the energies of Metatron to work within us at a far greater frequency of Light. The very electrons of the atomic structure of our bodies is connecting with the greatness of Metatron, who wrote the codes of creation and developed the super electron, of which ours is only a subdivision, or sub-electron.
Light is identified with consciousness. If you expand your consciousness, you expand theoretically the light radiations. You attach your consciousness to other levels of higher intelligence, and you bring in the higher force field or the mental affinity of a greater light force. If we work with the Masters of Light, we will bring in a different type of Light quanta than that which is conventionally available to everyone within their stream of consciousness. May we seek to connect with the Light Engineer who makes possible the Light increments from higher creations, or the realm of what is called in the holy Kaballah, the Olam Atziluth, into the lower dust world particle families.
With Love & Blessings,

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