Dear Academy:
I see more and more each day how the Keys are being fulfilled in many of the advances that science and technology are making. This is quite an exciting time as well as fearful one. There is so much hope and potential for Man to change his ways and prevent this world from destroying itself, but there is also allot of opposition on the part of the negative forces who wish a positive change will not take place. Your teachings have made me aware of our current dilemma and I have been studying a lot more lately in an effort to be able to teach others when and if the time comes. I have been studying the Pistis Sophia fairly intensely ever since you first made it available. My first seminar exposed me to not only the Pistis Sophia but also the Acts of Thomas specifically the Hymn of the Pearl. That story was so fascinating to me that it has been stuck in my mind ever since then. I bought the Pistis Sophia specifically to find mention of that story but I stumbled into a completely different side of the Christ’s life and death. I was so amazed at what I was reading that I couldn’t put it down for months. It is so overwhelming to comprehend how much Divine Knowledge and Wisdom is contained in that one book, or five I should say.
I was completely shocked that I had never heard any mention of these books existence either at school or at church. Even if you read only the original text without commentary and had no prior knowledge of some of the terms used such as Virgin of Light, the First Mystery, Three tripled powers, etc., you could still understand what Jesus was saying, especially when he talks about what happens to the soul during and after death, and the various circumstances that can and do take place on „the other side”. Every basic question about the drama that takes place after this life is answered in this text and by Jesus himself. I am so amazed that something like this exists which also made me wonder if it was too good to be true. Could this text actually be a part of Jesus ministry, that due to „Man’s” interference, was lost to the world only to be discovered and translated in this part of hi story.
I have spent the last 4 years pouring over this book, learning the terminology and the meanings behind the symbols (which helps having a Keys of Enoch® background) and trying to grasp the vastness of God’s Creation, the Pleroma. Slowly, but surely, it gradually sunk in and I began to really understand what was being said by both the text and the commentary. All of the „puzzle pieces” came together. I finally feel that I have a solid understanding of this wonderful scripture. I often bounce back and forth between studying The Keys of Enoch® and the Pistis Sophia.
I have spent a couple months of studying the Keys and exploring the website and just recently got The Light Body video/DVD. I am totally impressed with the type of visual graphics that you used this time. I feel that the Light realms are a bit more realistically expressed next to the stylized Merkabah visuals. Both of which have helped me in my visualizations of the Higher Heavens and how the Hierarchy is expressed in non-physical dimensions. The very end sequence is breathtaking to say the least. It is definitely one of my favorite parts. I was also thrilled to see that one of the titles was „Matrix Redefined”. I don’t know if you meant it to be interpreted this way, but it made me think of a continuation of the Matrix films, Reloaded, and Revolutions. The progress into the Light, beyond physical reality, is a direction I was hoping that the Matrix films were going to take, but they stop short just thereof. The Light shown at the end sequence was still part of a computer system, but the creators could have gone further in their plot line to have an actually Divine Light experience for their character. I particularly like the end of the last movie where the main character, Neo, is standing in a field of „Light” and I instantly began to think of how that image could illustrate higher realms of Light. Maybe The Light Body video/DVD could help fuel someone’s imagination in Hollywood to push in that direction of thinking in order to reach a large amount of people. I also liked the mention of the Pistis Sophia in one of the narratives. Thank you for your time and patience and I will keep you in my prayers always.
In the Light,
David E.
North Carolina
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